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About Us

Welcome! We are Jon and Angie the owners of Sweet River Farm in Deerfield, NH. We bought this old crooked 1742 farmhouse and farm in 2016 as a way to expand our ever-growing homestead. We crave a simple life, putting value on time together and living at a slower pace. Though we are busy trying to keep this old, crooked house from falling over! Did I mention we have zero carpentry skills? Ya, we probably shouldn't have bought an almost 300-year-old house.

A little about us....

Angie comes from a long line of farmers and homesteaders and started on her own journey of raising and preserving food when she and Jon met in 1997. A former vegetarian Angie never thought she would be butchering her own animals let alone teaching others how. Angie's favorite part of farm life is being with the animals and grounded in the dirt. She thrives with the ebb and flow of change farm life brings from one day to the next.

Jon never thought he would be a farmer and the closest he came to being outdoorsy was riding his BMX bikes as a child. When he first met Angie and she brought home injured racoons, woodchucks and left a dead seagull in his freezer, he knew he was in deep!  Jons feet are firmly planted in the dirt and is known as the realist at Sweet River Farm. You'll find Jon doing all the heavy lifting, working with the tractor, begrudgingly building things, splitting wood and making sure no giraffes or elephants show up while he's not looking. ​ 

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